Living With Strength

Welcome to Living with Strength, where holistic health meets personalized guidance. I'm Lea Dombrowski, a passionate holistic health coach and nutritionist dedicated to empowering women like you to overcome issues such as bloating and acne naturally so you can feel confident and strong in your body.

Through a blend of nutrition, fitness, functional medicine, and lifestyle adjustments, I'm here to help you unveil the root causes of your health concerns and craft tailored plans for your wellness journey because I believe true healing goes beyond supplementation and prescriptions.

I suffered with gut and hormonal issues for years until I realized true healing comes from within. No protocol and no supplement worked until I dug deeper and addressed all areas of my life. Therefore, my unique and one-of-a-kind coaching offers a holistic approach to functional medicine where I help my clients not only find the root of their issues but also dig deeper to help them create habits, proper nutrition, and self-love.

Together, we'll build not only physical strength but also inner confidence, enabling you to heal on all levels. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let's connect and start your path to holistic wellness today.

Welcome to my Holistic Health Coaching!

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lea Dombrowski, a certified holistic health coach, nutritionist, and functional medicine practitioner. My journey is driven by a deep passion for nourishment, gut health, hormonal balance, fitness, and mental wellness. I firmly believe in a holistic approach to wellness, addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

After battling with bloating, acne, chronic fatigue, and a long list of symptoms I was forced to find a new way of healing. After countless doctor appointments, I learned that no supplement or protocol could truly help me unless I was focusing on the basics as well. That is why I crafted my unique approach to healing the gut through a blend of supplements and foundational aspects to support you in all ways so you can feel confident that your protocol is going beyond the basic supports!

Want to get to the root of your gut issues? Book a free discovery call with me!

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